CALL SPOOFING : How to Make Spoof Calls From Mobile Phone
Here it will display the no: 919876543210
And make call to this no: 919876543211
Note : Above Both Number Are Fake,You Have To Replace It With Yours.
CALL ON : +9609710488
Then wait for a beep after that dial the number you want to display in your friends number with the prefix 91 and then again wait for next beep, after that dial the number which you wanna call ... everything done, and call will get connected
Have you ever wondered you could make a call to someone from your own mobile handset using someone else’s number? If not then Call spoofing is an answer to your question. Call spoofing is the ability to spoof caller ID and SMS messages. One can change what someone sees on their call display when they receive a phone call to anything they want. This is characteristically referred to as "Caller ID Spoofing" or "Call Display Spoofing".
One can show any phone number they wish on call display, basically faking your caller ID. You can change your voice to male/female, record the conversation, spoof SMS text messages.
- If you want to hide/show your phone number when calling, put one of these codes below in front of the number that you are going to call. (*#30# / *#31# or *31# / #31# ) Works on some networks only.
you can't dial characters from your phone i.e "p" here