Tuesday 1 April 2014

10 Tips to Stay Safe Online 

Now day’s internet becomes most essential things. Internet brings the world in our fingertips and for this reason online activity like Shopping, Online Banking etc is increased day by day. But increasing online activity cyber crime also increases in the same row. Thus online safety is a huge issue and many users are unaware of how to ensure that their online activity or transactions are safe, private and secure. So here we listed 10 simple steps to stay safe online while shopping, banking or doing any online activity.


10 Tips to Stay Safe Online

Check out these below tips to make sure you’re doing everything you can to avoid becoming a victim of cyber crime.

Avoid phishing site and email from unknown source

The most common method used by cyber hacker to steal customer information is phishing site and promotional email. Hacker setup a website similar likes the brand website and they send a promotional email with link for shopping in maximum discount. If you visit this link then you need to enter your all personal information including your Credit or Debit card information for shopping and then you are a victim of cyber crime. So if you receive an email from a company and asking you to shop or visit a website then carefully check the domain of the email is being sent from or url of the link they land on and all email address and links should contain company’s official domain.

Use a good antivirus and keep update regularly

If you are using internet regularly then you must have a good antivirus in your system, because virus or malware can still your information or data and can damage or destroy all data and information. But having a good antivirus is worthless if you don’t update regularly, because antivirus program designed for protect against known viruses, but with new viruses emerging daily, antivirus need to be update daily.

Always use HTTPS in the URL rather than HTTP

When you are doing online activities like shopping or online banking then use HTTPS:// instead of HTTP:// before URL in all pages including login page, asking for customer detail such as billing or shipping address and payment information. In the HTTPS:// “S” denoted as the secured connection between customer computer and company’s server.

Use hard guess password and change password after sometimes

Always try to use hard user name and password where you are asking for login or sign up. Always keep your password private and change it after sometimes. Don’t use same password for different account. Use a password which is combination of Upper case and lower case letter, number, symbols special character and space, because this combination is hard to crack.

Don’t use public computer and Internet or Wi-Fi for banking or shopping

Avoid using public computer and network for online activities such as Online shopping or Banking, because public computer may contain malicious program that can steals your personal information including Credit card information. Most Wi-Fi doesn’t encrypt your data so any cyber hacker in your neighborhood can steal your information.

Avoid strangers on social media

Many retailers and online marketing agent use social media and send promotional massage to promote their business and in the same way hackers can steals your information. Bitdefender recommends treating massage from stranger as spam, so ignore them.

Use updated and modern web browser

Try to use updated and modern web browser for browsing internet, because most of modern browser has inbuilt capability to detect spoofed website. Update will keep you ahead of would be identity thieves and keep you safe.

Avoid pop-ups

If a pop-up window will appear during browsing internet promising gift card or cash by taking a survey or answering question then just close it.

Be careful with your mobile device

Now days a smart phone can do everything a computer can do. But that’s does not mean they are as protected against malware or viruses. Many phones are not equipped with antivirus program and it helps hacker to send a malware in your phone to steal your information you have entered. So make sure that your phone is password protected and any information you may have stored on it is not easily accessed.

Review your transactions and bank statement often

Check your truncations and statement after every transaction which is made by online banking or by credit and debit cards, because unfamiliar charges on your credit card or bank statement are the first sign of identity theft. So if you find any unauthorized charges then contact your bank or Credit Card Company immediately.


These are some tips which may helps you to stay safe online while shopping or online banking. Also if you feel any website makes you feel uncomfortable and unsafe the leave that website and disconnect your computer.
Hope you like this and if you like this then share with your friends and helps them to stay safe online.



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